


Common ICT Programme

The DCITP is a semester long programme designed to give you a broad introduction to the Infocomm landscape and help you gain insights into the occupations and job roles, career pathways and employment opportunities in the various Infocomm sectors.


I didn't expect to like the class I am in right off the bat in poly. Even though there is a clear gender inequality, the whole class still bonds perfectly fine, eating lunch together as a whole class at FC4, studying together after class and doing dumb antics during our breaks. We hang out together outside of school as well, where this photo was taken on our lunch trips to Ikea.

During Freshman Orientation Camp, I was able to meet so many new people before school even started. I met people who were from different courses, as well as seniors who were really friendly in teaching us about SP. In the Freshman Group, there was a girl there where I hit it off with her instantly, and till now, we are really great friends, from CCA mates to study buddies. During inter-group sessions, I made new friends with others as well, and we've been good friends ever since!
(photo on the left featuring Ethan, Dario and Kate from DAAA.)


Here are the girls in the class. With just four of us, it allowed us to bond even closer. Somehow, all of us could click together instantly without those personality clashes you get when u meet and make new friends. School has been really fun because of them, and I hope we would still be able to gather again when this semester ends.